Things I Did Yesterday

1) Celebrated the Equinox with good friends, french onion soup, eclairs and a fancy martini glass filled with a blender concoction of limeade, half & half, gin and ice.

2) Set my napkin on fire (unintentionally). We walked inside to get the soup and came out to my napkin completely on fire on the table outside (a left it a little too close to the votive, apparently).

3) Threw the I-Ching.

4) Chose a Rune (fertility - and um, in relation to creation not pregnancy)

5) Practiced my violin

6) Decorated for Halloween (partially) with my daughter.

7) Walked my dog

8) Had a dream that my first car broke down in front of Bruce Springsteen's garage, so he helped me fix it. (What a nice guy!)

9) Drew an ink drawing of a purse and a box that read: Emily Dickinson

10) Made a wish


  1. Interesting about the Bruce Springsteen dream. I don't know if you recall that in the video he made of "I'm on Fire" (in 1985, directed by the movie director John Sayles), Springsteen portrays an auto mechanic who is working on a woman's car.

  2. Lyle,

    I looked up that video on youtube and he starts out by working on a 67 mustang which was my first car. Though it was the wrong color, it was kind of odd to see.
    Thanks for the heads up on that...


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