Self-Invented Poetry Forms...

Michael Wells made a funny comment how I post so much more when I clean out my office closet and well, he's right! I just keep finding more and more interesting things...

Today, while cleaning I found my old notes from a class with Madeline DeFrees. I can't remember where I heard her talk, but she was talking about "Self-Invented Forms" and here are some she suggested if you're having trouble starting a poem.


Take 2 favorite words & write a poem where each word begins a stanza

Write a poem of all questions.

Write a poem with all slant rhymes (while/call, drench/finch)

Write a slideshow poem, each section opens with a different slide
1. Selma in a bathing suit

Write a poem that is one side of a telephone conversation

Write a poem where all lines end with a verb, adjective or noun


She said you could go on like this all day making up your own forms.

I once wrote a kind of faux-sonnet (I called it a "faunnet") where I used varations of the word "red/read" on every other line. It was closer to a ghazal though, but it had much of the sonnet element (14 lines, rhyme scheme) and it mentioned Shakespeare, so I leaned more towards sonnet than ghazal.

Have you ever made up a form? What was it? I'd love to hear from you. Please post your comments on what you wrote.

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PS. There will be an incredible interview with Madeline DeFrees with Anne McDuffie in the next issue of Crab Creek Review. I'll let you know when it's available. It's pretty wonderful.



  1. i've tried to make forms over the years but they have never been successful but i really like the slideshow idea..hmmmm


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