Great Article about Facebook for Writers & Review of Linda Pastan
Midge Raymond (author of Forgetting English
It's called Book Promo 101: Facebook for Writers and it's in the Seattle PI. Great info on using it to help promote your book, but also security things too, such as your privacy.
Midge and I do Facebook Fridays, which means we avoid (mostly!) Facebook, except on Fridays. I know I go through times when I am on it more -- as for Mother's day and after big news events. Also, I'll go on during the week to highlight something (such as this article or my review on the Rumpus- coming up below), but I try to stay off it.
Anyway, I was impressed with how well Midge thought about the best use of Facebook for writers and her advice. Check it out if you get a chance, especially if you're a writer using Facebook to promote your work.
And second, I reviewed Linda Pastan's new book, Traveling Light: Poems
You can read the full review here.
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