Blog Topic Ideas Welcomed!

Someone recently emailed me (or left me a comment in a post that I received in email) about something they wanted me to blog about... and I've lost it!

If that was you, please email me again (or leave a note in this post) about what it was.

Also, this is an open invitation for anyone else to let me know if there's anything you want me to blog about in 2011.  Just email me at kelli (at)  or leave me a comment at the end of this post and I'll put it on my list.

I already have a request for the difference between Facebook and Twitter for writers and the benefits of both.

Looking forward to hearing what you're interested in for 2011!

Cheers and happy new year!



  1. I'd love to read a post about the process of compiling a poetry manuscript (like when to know to use sections, how to order the poems, what to exclude, etc)

    also it'd be interesting to read a post on what poetry manuscript contests you would recommend entering (though that might be a personal preference)

  2. Love your new header- and your resolutions for the new year. Here's to loads of creativity and simplicity.

    Without giving you too many specific questions,
    I would love to hear your thoughts on contests in general as opposed to publishers who have open submission policies. (I know Renee asked about manuscripts above.)

  3. I'd love to read a post about the ways in which your work with a literary journal has helped in your own development as a poet.

    Also, it'd be fun to read your perspectives about being a teacher,mentor to other poets.How do you benefit as a poet yourself from being a writing mentor to others? Is there any aspect of that work that seems to be impinging on your own work as a poet/writer?


  4. Something I'm curious about, Kelli, because I don't know anyone else who does this and it might just be a testament to my extreme dorkiness, but when I write, and need to take a break during my writing practice (it's the makes me think of everything in terms of practice) I set a time for ten minutes so I don't get distracted. Do you do anything like this? I intuit that you are a disciplined writer, and I too turn off my e-mail and all those distractions but I still need that little beep to push me back to the task at hand or I'll end up in the garden staring at an alien flower and pretty soon half a day will drift by. Just curious. Now that I think about it it reminds me of the practice sheets I force on my younger violin students...hahahaha. Happy elevenses!!!


  5. I meant a timer not a time. Sheesh.

  6. ps. I want you to begin using a violin practice sheet. Commit to practicing at least half an hour a day (you can go longer) and have your parents sign off at the end of each week. You get one day off and you can choose the day plus the day of your lesson which counts as practice. Each week I'll put one of these beautiful stickers on your practice sheet and at the end of eight weeks, if you have fulfilled your end of the bargain, you'll get a super-stringer prize.

    Just kidding. (Too much caffeine.)


  7. Here are a couple of ideas: In a recent post, you noted that "Even if you have families, jobs that aren't related to writing, hobbies, other commitments, your writing is the core of your life". I'd like to hear how your writing influences the rest of your life (decisions, priorities, etc.) as well as how life steers your writing life (work habits, content, etc.).

    In the same post, you suggested keeping the positive, supporting people in your life. So how do you handle people close to you who are necessary / "large" in other parts of your life who don't understand or know how to be supportive? This doesn't necssarily mean that they're negative, more that they don't know what it means to you when you say you're a poet, and therefore are ignorant (in the literal sense) of how to be supportive.

    (BTW: Happy New Year!)

  8. Great ideas, everyone! I've added them all to my list!


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