New Summer Hours... June thru August

(New Sumer (sp) Hours - but the drive thru is always open!)

I realized that from National Poetry Month and on that I've got into the habit of posting something daily.

This is both good and bad for you. It's good for the people who enjoy my post, it's bad for the ones who get tired of hearing me talk.

And for me, it's both good and bad because it's become the norm and knowing myself, it's something I will not be able to keep up during the summer (or "sumer" depending on your ability to spell) months because, well, I know myself and when the weather turns sunny, I refuse to come indoors.

So, I will be posting less in the summer months.

Many times I have gone on vacation from blogging for 3 months, but knowing myself and knowing NW weather, there will always be a day of rain to write something. Plus, I want to keep in touch.

And maybe this is a good thing for everyone as I've thought I've been posting too much lately. I haven't meant to, but there has been a lot going on April & May, so I post.

So my posts will be decreasing as the temperatures rise.

If you're around, drop me a note or comment so I know there are people still reading this (I don't always respond to every comment, but do love getting them.)

Also, I'm always open to any topics you'd like me to blog on, so feel free to drop me a note at kelli (a)  if you have anything you'd like me to respond to or post about.

Thanks, as always, for reading and your continual good creative energy.

all best,
~ Kells
