Consulting Requests & New Online Class!
Kelli & Jeannine trying to do a Charlie's Angels pose for the camera.
A few of you have recently asked whether I would be able to work with you on your poems or poetry manuscript with you. While I so appreciate the requests and I do normally offer consulting, I actually take the summer off each year to spend with my family and to stay away from the computer (something I wrote about recently when I said I wouldn't be posting as much during the summer-- of course, here I still am blogging almost as much as last week...Did I mention that it's 59 degrees and raining here in the Northwest? So sad.)
Anyway, there is a wonderful solution for those of you who want to work with someone and write this summer as my friend, Jeannine Hall Gailey (author of Becoming the Villainess
What is great about this is that it will be limited to only 5 poets, so you will not be the poet fighting for attention.
Here are the details from Jeannine in her own words:
I'd like to set up an online poetry manuscript workshop, using e-mail and a private blog, for about five poets. I'd do my usual manuscript consulting, exercises, and critiques, with discussions of publishing, organization, theme, tropes, and individual poems, but we'd also have discussions and participants could comment on each other's work as we go along. I'd also have participants read and review a book of contemporary poetry, besides working with your own and your fellow participants' manuscripts. I might also have a guest mentor come in and "talk" - well, virtually - to the participants as well. All in all, it'll be a good time!
If you'd be interested in something like this, I'm charging $250 for two months with once-a-week check-ins and assignments. Applicants for the workshop - and I'm only going to take five students, so apply early - should e-mail me a brief writing-oriented bio and a few poems if they're interested to jeannine dot gailey @ live dot com. Deadline for applications is June 25, as I'd like to get started by July 1.
And here are some qualifications in case you're curious, in the form of a bio:
Jeannine Hall Gailey is the author of Becoming the Villainess, published by Steel Toe Books. Poems from the book were featured on NPR's The Writer's Almanac, Verse Daily, and two were included in 2007's The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror. She has written articles and interviews for The Poet's Market, Poets & Writers online and The Poetry Foundation Web site., as well as book reviews for The American Book Review, The Cincinnati Review, and many others. Her poems have been published in journals such as The Iowa Review, The Beloit Poetry Journal, and Ninth Letter, and she has won grants from Washington State's Artist Trust as well as the Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg contest's top prize. She has been teaching at National University's MFA program for a few years, as well as doing poetry consulting independently. She has a BS in Biology and an MA in English from The University of Cincinnati, and an MFA from Pacific University. Besides teaching part-time, she also works as a journalist and volunteers as a consulting editor for Crab Creek Review.
I thought this sounded like a great way to devote 2 months to your poetry and to have the freedom of making your own hours for the class.
If you're interested, please contact Jeannine at the email above. I know a couple of the spots are already taken, so if you're interested, do drop her a line as soon as you can.
I will most likely return to working with poets in the fall. I'm going to see how my reading schedule is as I don't want to take on too much. So if you're still interested in working together when September rolls around, drop me a note.
All best,
~ Kells
Thanks for posting this Kels!