Vital Stats of a Poet

Deborah Ager from 32 Poems invited me to do this--

Age when I decided I wanted to be a writer: 7 (2nd grade)

Age when I wrote my first short story: 6-7 (2nd grade) it was about a giraffe

Age when I first got my hands on a good word processor: Good? 21 at the UW, 25 or 26, my first computer

Age when I first submitted a short story to a magazine: 39 (I just did this a couple months ago)

Rejections prior to first short story sale: 1 (first s/s submitted and rejected.)

Age when I sold my first short story: let's say 40, thinking positively

Approximate number of short stories sold: Approximately zero.

Age when I first sold a poem: Sold? I probably wasn't paid for a poem until my early 30's, but I had my first poem accepted by Bricolage, the University of Washington's literary journal when I was 21.

Poems sold: (aka "accepted & published") Approx. 127 (not including poems that have been reprinted

Year I first published a book: 2003 (a chapbook, my full collection was 2004)

Books published or delivered and in the pipeline: 2 published book (Geography & Small Knots), 1 mss currently being submitted, 1 mss in process and partial complete, 1 children's story I need to submit

Number of titles in print: 2

Age now: 39
