After the Holidays, And It's Time to Return to Writing...
Sometimes I think there are three levels of Christmas.
1) Level 1: The Watcher: You don't partake in the holiday. Either you are an atheist, Jewish, don't have kids, don't care, have better things to do, enjoy the simple life without the need to buy lots of stuff for your family, are truly spiritual &/or celebrate Kwanzaa, the Solstice, Festivus, or something else entirely. If you celebrate Christmas at all, it is a small gift exchange that is similar to a birthday.
2) Level 2: The Average Family: You are religious or not, but put more emphasis on "Christ" than the "mass." You have a smaller family with kids, you have no divorces in your family, you have traditions, but don't feel tired. You have a list, but no more than 5-7 people tops. Christmas is just another holiday you like, but it comes and goes without too much issue. You have a tree, but you may get it the week before Christmas or whenever and that's okay.
3) Level 3: The Overdosed: You are or are not religious and/or Catholic and Christmas is an event that takes months of planning and coordination. You arrive not just at one house dressed in red, but at least 2, sometimes three. You know where Candy Cane Lane is and you view it yearly along with a mass of other traditions. People do not hear from you the week before Christmas because you are running around like a nut. You know ever Christmas carol and may think that Christmas is the happiest time of the year though sometimes you are sad and aren't sure why.
Dear Readers,
I am a Level 3 Christmas partaker. In my best world, I am Level 2, but honestly, I have never been a 2 and never even close to a 1. Christmas is HUGE in my family. People do not see me (except at holiday festivities dressed in red) the week before Christmas. It completely overtakes me in every way--emotionally, physically, spiritually.
During this winter break, when I should have time to write, I'm wrapping. With a W. I'm not rapping.
Now, there are bags of gifts under our tree, so much stuff to put away, and all I want to do is write.
I want to write and write and do anything creative.
I know for me, the last week of December is putting everything away, making huge donations to Goodwill, simplifying and trying it all again. Starting anew.
Every year.
Every year I clean up and start over, by December of next year, I am a mess of stuff and time has slipped away.
But for now, I am on winter break, not taking phone calls, rarely checking email and returning to what is what I once knew as the writing life.
Christmas always pulls the rug out from under me, but January reminds my goal-oriented self to pull it together. I'm a work in progress. Trying to be creative, trying to write even with the clutter of Christmas breathing down my neck..... I will move forward.
Cheers to a new year!
~ Kells
I grew up in a Level 3 household. As an adult, miles away from all that, I've become a 1.5. My husband is Jewish, I observe Solstice because I like it, so Christmas becomes another little stopping point in a general scheme of holidays.