Submit to a New Online Poetry Journal: Heron Tree
A new online poetry journal beginning in January 2013, so get your poems in!
Go here to learn HOW to submit your work.
What's cool about this journal is while they are online, it looks as if they are going provide a yearly print issue, which is awesome!
Here are the people behind this new journal--
Sandy Longhorn is the author of Blood Almanac, which won the Anhinga Prize for Poetry. New poems are forthcoming or have appeared recently in 32 Poems, The Cincinnati Review, Crazyhorse, North American Review, Waccamaw, and elsewhere. Longhorn teaches at Pulaski Technical College, runs the Big Rock Reading Series, is an Arkansas Arts Council fellow, and blogs at Myself the only Kangaroo among the Beauty.
Chris Campolo and Rebecca Resinski teach at Hendrix College and are the co-founders of Heron Tree Press.
If you have questions about Heron Tree, you may contact us at Please use for submissions.
I've sent in some poems and will be keeping my fingers crossed!
~ Kells
Wow, thanks for the love! Or as the heron says, "Kyowk!"