Confession Tuesday
Dear Reader,
It's been another week since the last time I've written. How does time keep sliding by so quickly?
As a child, waiting for Christmas seemed to last months and months, now, we put up our tree and the next thing I know I'm wearing a New Year's tiara.
Wait, I'm always wearing a New Year's tiara,
so that's not exactly a good example.
To the confessional--
I confess I saw someone's blog and they put certain lines of their blog post in different fonts and sizes and I liked it, so I'm trying it out here.
It could be annoying or it could be a lot of fun.
So far I think I'm already overdoing it.
I confess I finally made it to my poetry group last night. It's been ages. More than ages. Life moves pretty quickly and I need to stop and take a look around.
What I love about my poetry group? I can bring them what I think is a really good poem and they have ideas to make it better. Really. They are that good.
I confess tomorrow I'm going to start listening to Christmas music. I love the holidays. Crazylove them.
And I've finished volunteering and have a ton of stuff *off* my plate, out of my life and checked DONE. The next month is to regain control over my life, my writing, to be thankful and connected, to be gracious and kind, and to remember how much I have, how many people I love and adore.
I confess as the year comes to close, I think about what I can do better next year. I think about where I am in my life, what I'm doing.
I plan on sprucing up this blog and updating the banner and things like that. I will continue to blog here, it's something I consider every year. Lately it's been hard to do, to keep up on. I've noticed blogs going to the side as Facebook and Twitter become more of the meeting place. But I like to share things and I find a blog is a good place to do that, better than Facebook.
So as I clean up this blog, I hope to do similar things in my house and life, get rid of the excess, keep what I love.
I confess I have a few posts planned.
Also, in the next week, I'll be posting a Holiday Book Guide for some fantastic books you may want to get for gifts (or put on your own wish list).
May you all have a wonderful three-day week and Thanksgiving.
~ Kells
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