Rejection: Give up or Show up?

It’s never fun being rejected. Unlike the acceptance that can make you scream the Sally Field Oscar speech, You like me, you really like me!, being rejected can reduce us to feelings we thought we left behind in junior high when we sat alone at the long lunchroom table. This is how it feels sometimes: All of the cool kids are wearing paisley minis and I’m in a denim prairie skirt with my rejection slip showing.

from my essay on rejection in Brevity this issue. Judith Kitchen's essay on publishing is also really wonderful, make sure you get a chance to read it.


  1. Thanks for the article. I've been getting a lot of rejections lately - but I guess it just means I've been doing the work of putting my poems out there...and nothing more!

  2. Good to have friends to lift one up! A friend would say to me, about some editors who had sent back my work: "They've got some nerve!"

  3. PWADJ-- Yes, rejections mean you're right on track!

    Mim-- aren't friends great?!

  4. I actually went to a mother-daughter tea party yesterday with my slip showing! Hope it didn't reveal too much rejection!


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