Welcome NaPoWriMo -

So today is the first day of National Poetry Writing Month. I'm going to try to the prompts from this blog each day, but I've told myself if that isn't working to do my own thing as the goal is ultimately to write a poem a day.

Here is today's prompt:

For today's prompt, I want you to write an origin poem. It can be the origin of a word, person, plant, idea, etc. Have fun with it.


If you do write a poem a day, you can post it in the comment section here

I think they have judges choosing a poem a day and then possible inclusion in a e-anthology. Something like that. I've never been good at reading all the details.

and on another note, for those of you keeping track, I slept 6-7 hours straight until I was woken up by a kitten. Day 2 of sleeping!
