
Showing posts from April, 2009

Gratitude List

Oh ya, the final poem of NaPoWriMo 2009 - welcome #30

Oops, forgot to post Poem 29...

Happy Birthday, Jeannine!


Confession Tuesday

How Stupid Is This?

#27 poem

NaPoWriMo # 26

Submitting Poems....

Superstition Review

Poem 25

High School Reunion Fun....

Poem 24

Performing a Poem - Or How To Be a Better Public Speaker

Poem 23

Catching Up - Poem 21 & 22

Crab Creek Review Reading at Eagle Harbor Books

Confession Tuesday - Late Night Edition

poem 20

Monday, Mondays...

Poem 18

poem 19

Where I'll Be Tomorrow...

Um, it's "effort" not "effect"

Poem 17

Poem 16

Thursday night Thoughts...

Ooooh baby baby, it's a wild world...

poem 15 - oh we're halfway there, oh oh living on a prayer...

Quotes of the day

Poem 13

poem 12

Confession Tuesday - Late Night Edition

Update: New From the P-I

Roar said the Angry Lion

The Problem With Being Adult

poem 11

CRAIG'S POP LIFE: Is Homophobic?

This has nothing to do with Easter or poetry...

It seems the Easter Bunny was also for Obama...

YAY Verse Daily!

Poem 10 - Good Friday

Before Bed Thoughts...

Poem 9

A Poem From Crab Creek Review is Featured on Verse Daily today!

What do you see when you read this license plate?

NaPoWriMo - Poem 8

Poem 7

Confession Tuesday

NaPoWriMo Poem 6

Is Self-Publishing for You?

NaPoWriMo Poem 5

NaPoWriMo - Poem 4

NaPoWriMo - Poem 3's it going?

NaPoWriMo - Poem 2

New Poet Laureate Named

NaPoWriMo - Poem 1

Welcome NaPoWriMo -