Weekly Poetry Exercise: Ekphrastic poetry

KAHLO, FRIDA. 1927 portrait de miguel N Lira

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Title: The Love Embrace Of The Universe, The Earth, Me, Diego And Mr Xolotl 1949


Ekphrastic poetry: Poems that are based on another form of art, such as paintings, sculptures or musical compositions.

Look over these paintings by Frida Kahlo. Think about the colors and images, what emotions they bring out in you. What in these paintings (if anything) haunts you in your life? Do they make you remember a dream you've had? Fear? Love? Desire? Pain?

What image do you focus on first? What image did you not notice?

Once you've spent some time with the paintings--

First: Write as a person or object within the painting.
Second: Write as the painter.
Third: Write as you, the poet, perceiving the art.

Your poem can either be created from one of these sections or may combine all three.

Happy writing.
