From the Crab Creek Review Blog...
I just posted this to the Crab Creek Review blog and wanted you to know that we do have a blog at Crab Creek Review with a great series called "The Writer's Notebook" that features essays from our favorite writers on the writing process and writing life.
We would love get more followers of our blog, so please check it out and consider following it. We want to update it more and I know if we knew we had more readers, this would be a great incentive for us to get out more informative post for you.
Here's a quick recent post I just did on a new feature that will be in the next Crab Creek Review...
We will add a new feature to our next issue of Crab Creek Review - Editors' Choice Reviews. These will be short, mini-reviews by our editors on our favorite books that we've read over the last year.
We would love get more followers of our blog, so please check it out and consider following it. We want to update it more and I know if we knew we had more readers, this would be a great incentive for us to get out more informative post for you.
Here's a quick recent post I just did on a new feature that will be in the next Crab Creek Review...
We will add a new feature to our next issue of Crab Creek Review - Editors' Choice Reviews. These will be short, mini-reviews by our editors on our favorite books that we've read over the last year.
Because we only have so much room in our print journal, we will feature the longer review on our blog if you are interested in learning more about our favorite books.
Coming up in Crab Creek Review, Issue I of 2010-- look for reviews of
***These were 4 of my favorite books I read this year and books I highly recommend to the poets, writers, and readers of the world.
-- Kelli Russell Agodon
Thanks for menioning the Writer's Notebook, Kelli--what a great feature & I love the post on translating Russian poetry-- All best to you!