Early Book Review: Die Empty by @ToddHenry
So I'm a HUGE fan of the Accidental Creative podcast so when I heard Todd Henry had a new book called Die Empty coming out, I stepped up to be one of the early readers/reviewers.
What I love about this book is deals with living the creative life and getting all your best work out now, while you're alive.
"Embrace the importance of now, and refuse to allow the lull of comfort, fear, familiarity, and ego to prevent you from taking action on your ambitions...The cost of inaction is vast. Don't go to your grave with your best work inside of you. Choose to die empty."
The book confronts a lot of things we deal with as artists and people in general--are we doing our best work & using our time wisely? Are we passionate about it? Are we spending our time the way we want? Are we stepping outside of our confront zone?
I love books like this. Books that help you be a better creative person. Trust me, there aren't many.
And I believe Todd Henry wrote this book because he is passionate about his own work in the world and wants to contribute to helping others. He's definitely an inspiring speaker and writer. I know his is the first podcast I listen to and I'm finding myself highlighting a lot in this book.
Die Empty will be released on September 26th. I'm about halfway through with it and loving it. I just got the book a few days ago and I can't put it down.
Anyway, wanted to give you the head's up if you're a fan of the Accidental Creative or are looking for an inspiring read to help you get back into your creative projects this fall.
I hope to post more on it once I'm done. As I said, I have A LOT of highlighting and notes!
~ Kells
I'm loving the book as well. Great "early review." The message in Die Empty is powerful!