Postcard from the First Day of July
How I feel in the summer... |
As many of you know, when summer comes to the Northwest, I drop everything and go running (er, paddling) into the sun.
Here's the thing-- summer started in April this year (seriously), we had 70 and 80 degree weather and well, all the things I'm hyperventilating to do--go mountain biking, go hiking, go paddleboarding, plant my garden, work in the yard, sit on my deck and watch the world go by--well, I've already done them. No kidding. I'm that girl.
Because of this, I feel less of the need to abandon all things creative.
And honestly, this summer, I really can't as I have two major projects--
1) Hourglass Museum: My manuscript needs to be proofed and sent back to White Pine Press as my pub date is Feb 2014.
2) The Daily Poet: I haven't mentioned this much because when projects are in their young stage, I don't share as much, but I have a book coming out with Two Sylvias Press written by Martha Silano and me that is a book of writing exercises.
As far as I know, it will be the first eBook of writing exercises, but because we know poets love paper, it will also be available in print.
I have this deadline as well for the summer months, not finishing (the book is done), but editing.
Still, this is the point in the post where I say, I won't be around here as much in the summer, but promise to send postcards (like today) and check in on Confession Tuesday.
Consider anything else a bonus.
When you live under a cloud all year in a wet world, you must explore the land around you during the summer. You must eat huge amounts of frozen yogurt with chocolate sprinkles and too-expensive gourmet ice cream. You must spend hours on your deck looking at nothing in particular and hours talking to blackberry bushes and morning glory, tell them to slow down.
All of it is part of the rule of being a Northwest person. You can't ignore the summer because if you do, you will have low vitamin D and be locking yourself in your house due to unexplained anxiety. This is what we do here.
Except in the summer when we are normal, and happy, and kind of shiny from sunblock and maybe a little tan.
Let the green patina go, we've got a sunny few months ahead of us and we can't miss out.
Will be in touch, but less, or more with photos/postcards.
See you in September when the boys of summer have gone...
~ Kells
Similar here in the Northeast-- we celebrate and enjoy summer to the very last second because it's so short. But... so far this summer we've had what appears to be a transfer of Northwest weather. It won't stop raining! And I can't remember the last time I saw mushrooms in July.