Confession Tuesday on Friday: Overwhelmed by Living and Dead Poets Edition + a Cameo by a Princess
I am three days late in confessing. But I'm here and thankful and want to share a few things that have moved me over the week--
I confess it's been a long time since I've read a poem that has overwhelmed me, that I couldn't stop reading, that took a topic and turned it on its head, but Patricia Lockwood did it here:
Read her poem "Rape Joke" here and see if you're not changed:
Patricia is also on Twitter and you can follow her at @TriciaLockwood and her book Balloon Pop Outlaw Black (Octopus Books, 2012) is fantastic.
I confess I've been a little emotional this week. I'm not sure why, but yesterday I actually felt so overwhelmed I took a nap in the middle of the day.
I felt weepy when I saw this photo of Kate & William compared to Princess Diana (both in polka dots, both with their new babies wrapped in the same shawl).
I confess I even had a dream about Princess Diana being set up on date for the prom. When I asked her who was chosen for her she replied, "God. They chose God as my date." Then she rolled her eyes and smiled.
I confess because I've been overwhelmed (mostly with editing, poetry, and Two Sylvias Press stuff) my head feels full. Overwhelmedness is a new emotion for me in the summer, normally this is how I feel in April during National Poetry Month.
I confess I've been dreaming of dead poets, and even poets who are alive giving me advice.
Frank O'Hara was in my dream a few days ago telling me I just needed to follow his plan, which was just "Get it done, do it now."
Another poet (who is alive, so I will spare her name as I'm friends with her) told me that I couldn't just hide away in my house and I needed to help others. She said, "If you hide away in your house, the two axes will burn and no one will be able to save you."
I think this has to do with staying connected with others. I'm not sure, but the poets were all chatty and all had advice for me.
After reading Patricia Lockwood's poem, I think my advice to other poets is write the poem you're afraid to write. Step up. Don't fear.
My advice to myself is take on less. And spend a little more time outside. Not to be the woman holding the towel.
~ Kells
I confess that if you're not excited reading Mahmoud Joudah's "To a Young Poet" (thanks Poetry Foundation's poem-a-day), then you had better read "That's Incredible!" by Michael Robbins. Aloud. Outside. On a mountaintop. (Or a rooftop will do.) Cheers!