On a Personal Note... 15 years today

Started dating Halloween of 1987 (I was a freshman in college). Married, 10-3-93 - where does the time go?
Happy Anniversary!

By the way, this was at the Tacoma Art Museum, note the Chihuly glass behind us....



  1. Happy Anniversary Kelli and Rose!! It is my 10 year anniversary today with my husband Steve! That is a creepy coincidence that we have the same wedding anniversary. I hope all is going well with you. I check your blog from time to time to see how you are doing! Take care!
    Lisa (Jurus) Anest

  2. Lisa! I'm so glad you left a note!

    That is so weird about our wedding anniversaries! And as you know, my daughter has the birthday as you!

    Thanks for dropping by and saying hello!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks, Collin!

    Ooops, that Crab Creek Review post was mine. Wrong sign-on!

  5. Congratulations, Kelly! 15 years is a wonderful milestone.


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