FYI - Seattle Poets....

we STILL need poets for...

Saturday 18 October 2008 at 2P
Coordinated by: Aaron Silverberg & A. K. "Mimi" Allin

if you're wondering, YES, you're a POET! please join us.

This 2hr instigation happens Saturday Oct 18th at 2PM at Green Lake
(on the path at the promontory between Meridian & Orin Ct. --Arrive no
later than 1:45). 20+ poets will sit in a line along the speedway. We
will each wear something red (I've got red scarves for those who
forget). We'll say in turns, to passersby, "I LOVE YOU." "I LOVE YOU."
"I LOVE YOU." This is about poets getting out of their heads and INTO
THE WORLD. Do you think this needs to happen? I do. All are encouraged
to participate!! Just show up. Bring a fold-up chair, a sense of humor
and layered clothing. This is an RSE (Rain or Shine Event). I'll
provide umbrellas! We'll finish by no later than 4 and walk to a cafe
for hot cocoa. Then.. and only then.. can we share the poetry.

This action is brought to you by working poets in Seattle. With every
poem we write, we love you. We love you. We love you. We love you.
Thank you for being there. Thank you for hearing us.

Press Contacts-

RSVP if you can... thanks!


I'm not exactly why it has to be a poet shouting "I love you," but it sure sounds interesting! And I wonder if anyone will leave with a date!
