New Year's Resolutions 2019: The Poet Edition

While I always consider "resolutions" more as "guidelines," here's what I'm thinking about 2019.
I know 2018 was a tough year for many, so may 2019 fill us with more poetry, joy, love, success, and peace--or whatever you are looking for these days.
Happy 2019, friends!
New Year's Resolutions 2019
1) Read more longer content, less shorter content (and keep a list throughout the year of what I've read! (Basically less Facebook, more book-books).
2) Write more postcards and thank you notes.
3) The 3 Ps: Keep my poems and projects a priority.
4) Share generously.
5) Support other poets and artists.
6) Do some sort of public art project focused on poetry.
7) Travel more.
8) Realize that US news headlines are dollar signs; they want my clicks--do not engage.
9) Say yes to experiences I feel would add to my life as an writer and artist.
Say no to things and people that don't.
10) Keep the best people around me.
I don’t really want to become normal, average, standard. I want merely to gain in strength, in the courage to live out my life more fully, enjoy more, experience more. I want to develop even more original and more unconventional traits. ~ Anais Nin
~ Kells
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