Interview with Poet Alexis Ivy, Author of Romance with Small-Time Crooks (BlazeVOX Books)
1) Alexis, congratulations on your new book of
poems, Romance with Small-Time Crooks (BlazeVOX Books). These
poems dive deep into a life of struggles where drugs, sex, and alcohol are not
uncommon and the "heart is in the wrong place to begin with." As
readers, we become lost in this world which is both gritty and beautiful,
hardscrabble and heart-stirring.
As a poet it's important to take risks in your
work, you take many risks both with your content as well as in what you reveal.
Early on in the book you are self-referential and the poems are written in
"I" voice, which as Marvin Bell "is not the poet, but someone
who knows a lot about her." Do you consider these poems persona
poems, autobiographical poems, a mix of both, or something else?
I don’t see poetry as autobiographical. Poetry isn’t memoir. My poetry is on the verge of
confessional. The poems in Romance with Small-Time Crooks are a
version of the truth, not the truth.
2) What were the challenges of writing
these poems? How long did the collection take to write?
I had to stop living the way I was living to
finish the book. You know, I had
to get away from the life to write the life. I had to get sober to complete this book.
It took ten years total to finish the
book. Eight spent writing it and
two years of sending it out.
3) The cover of this book is absolutely
gorgeous! How did it come about? Were you able to offer input on
your cover art or was that handled by the press?
My publisher gave me the option. Of course I wanted to be part of the
process. I met with a friend and
fellow poet. I brought a deck of
cards and he brought a camera. We
took 500+ pictures and I ended up becoming a hand model.
4) What was hardest part in publishing
this book or in the publication process?
Letting it go. Stop working it.
It took me awhile to stop writing in the voice and tone of this
book. I kept writing poems for the
book, in the theme of the book. I had to send the final version but I could’ve
kept revising for a lifetime.
5) What is your favorite poem from the
book and can you share it here?
It changes. I’m connected to different ones at different times. I’m proud of my formal poems such as "Truth Is," "Hi, Mt Name’s Alexis, River Styx." Also, the ones I love to read— "Greyhound East", "I Have My Reasons", "At The
Plough & Stars."
Here’s a Shakespearian sonnet:
and I’m an addict and the more rain pours,
the more I remember I wasn’t made for simple,
never learned anything simple. I wanted unadored,
left out, missed-out, to be unsayable,
a speech impediment. I love trouble,
know only trouble, licking the soles of any friend’s
shoes, bark up the wrong lumber, the valid bull-
shit, the going-nowheres, the too many men,
the always-till-forevers, the habitually-bad-
beats. A dance with death to have a revelation,
to get back to fair shake, to water and mend. Had
to quit quitting on me to find salvation.
Bless being careful. Bless being mine
6) How is promoting your book going (any
good stories or advice for others with books) and what are you working on now?
Going great. Lots of readings. That is the best way to get out
there. Also, I get to see the raw
reaction of the listener-reader of my work. O, word of advice: Always carry an extra copy of your work,you never know.
For the past two
years I’ve been working on a new collection of poems. Half way through, supposedly. Very different process than Romance with Small-Time Crooks. The order and chronology of the poems isn’t as obvious in
the new work. As of late, I’ve
published five new pieces and all my new poems are out to literary journals so
I’ve been a dog for the US mail.
You can purchase Alexis' book directly from BlazeVox here .
And it's also available on Amazon and for your Kindle here.
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