Hey Writers: You're Looking Sexy in Ireland with that Shenandoah Prize...

Okay, TWO amazing opportunity for poets and writers. 

Anam Cara - this is where Susan is teaching...

The first:  Susan Rich is teaching an amazing workshop in IRELAND (I kid you not!)  If you want to take a class, this is the place to go.  I teach with Susan at Poets on the Coast and she is an amazing teacher, and I have the feeling she'd be even more perfect in Ireland.

If I could go, I would.

Here's the info for anyone who wants to live life to the fullest--

Anam Cara - in West Cork, Ireland has invited me to teach a week long writing workshop

Speaking Pictures: A Poetry Workshop Concerning Art. August 4 - 11,  2012.
Here is the overview of what you'll do --- and soon there will be a day by day schedule available.

Speaking in Pictures: A Poetry Workshop Concerning Art

     The question is not what you look at, but what you see.Henry Thoreau
 Poetry and painting are sister arts according to the Greeks. It’s a natural collaboration to focus on ekphrastic poetry. Ekphrastic poetry simply refers to our poems inspired by visual images. Together, we will discuss traditional and experimental models of the form by Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Hayden, Lisel Mueller and Rainier Maria Rilke; study recent examples by contemporary poets, and sharpen our powers of observation and description. Finally, through a series of provocative exercises, we will write our own poems on a variety of works of art. For the purposes of this workshop, art includes sculpture, collage, architecture and the natural world. All levels of writers are welcome — from beginners to very advanced practitioners. 

And if you don't know Susan, here's a few things about her too--

Susan Rich is the author of three collections of poetry, The Alchemist’s Kitchen (2010) which was named a finalist for The Foreword Prize and the Washington State Book Award, Cures Include Travel (2006), and The Cartographer’s Tongue / Poems of the World (2000) which won the PEN USA Award for Poetry. She has received awards The Times Literary Supplement of London, Peace Corps Writers and the Fulbright Foundation. Her featured appearances include the Cuirt Literary Festival in Galway, Ireland and the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia. Recent poems have been published in the Harvard Review, Poetry Ireland, The Southern Review and the New England Review. Born and educated in Boston, Massachusetts; Susan now makes her home in Seattle, WA.
If you'd like to sign up or learn more -- here's the link to the workshop.

Then once you get to Ireland, here's a great opportunity for Fiction Writers--

The Bevel Summers Prize for Short-Short Fiction is a $500 prize for a story of 1,000 words or less.  We will be accepting entries from March 1 to March 31, 2012.  The winning story is also published in Shenandoah.  There is no entry fee, and entrants can submit up to three previously unpublished stories for consideration.  Entrants should submit two copies of each story, one with name and contact information and one without, as well as a SASE.  All entries should be sent to the following address:

Shenandoah: Bevel Summers Prize
Washington and Lee University
17 Courthouse Square
Lexington, Virginia 24450

Here's the link with more information--  http://shenandoahliterary.org/bevel-summers/


So there you go, writers and poet, explore and submit.  Life is short!  Enjoy it!



  1. Ah, the ekphrasis workshop sounds wonderful!

  2. Thanks for helping to spread the word, Kelli! The daily schedule is now available and includes one on one sessions. Sue will send it to anyone who contacts her at Anam Cara and will answer any and every question about the residency. Folks can also email me through my website at http://www.susanrich.net


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