No More Monkeys!

The Botanists - by Gabriel von Max

Don't you just *love* the above image.  I did.  I was completely taken by it and it's one of the main reason I chose this image to write about for the Frye Museum Reading.

Susan Rich had it approved so I could print the poem I was commissioned to write for the Taboo Against the Word Beauty reading on the back of a postcard that included the image above.

Most of these postcards were handed out during the reading, but I have about 10 left and I'd be happy to mail you one.

If you'd be interested in receiving real mail in your mailbox with my poem and The Botanist image above, drop me an email with your mailing address at  kelli (a)

Once I run out of postcards, I'll let you know.  --

Thanks everyone, I'm out of postcards!



  1. I would love one, Kelli. Nandini

  2. I'd love one too and also one with your beautiful book cover if you have one and I'll send you something amazing in return.

  3. I cannot bear monkey images, since the childhood horror of The Wizard of Oz (which to this day I have not be able to watch beyond the flying monkey scene). What a brave soul you are, Kel! Nancy

  4. Do you have anymore left? I'm very curious George about your poem!
    Anjie in WI

  5. Anjie,

    I think you are the last one.

    Email me your address (I think I may have it, but sometimes I have only the first line for some reason!)
