
Showing posts from October, 2010

Happy Halloween! Cheers with Poet Beer!

What We Risk When We Write--

The Simpsons Version of Poe's "The Raven"

Hi, My Name is Kelli & I'm Here To Read...

Thankful Thursday

Sandra Beasley Talks about Poets & Writers

Kristin Berkey-Abbott & The Gift of Real Mail -

Gig Harbor Reading Tonight at 7 pm

Poems in Diode...

Confession Tuesday

Twitter #PoetParty - What I Know Now --

We're Flying Over to Twitter on Sunday Eve!

Life Imitating Art or Vice Versa...

Thankful Thursday-- Yum! What we made today...

Recipe for Emily Dickinson's gingerbread cake - The Boston Globe

Confession Tuesday on Wednesday...

Confession Tuesday - the Nightstand Edition

My Favorite Photos from the Poetry Reading, Oct. 17th 2010 at Open Books in Seattle

It's 2 a.m. - Do you know what your manuscript is doing?

Where I am Right Now- Lost on a Cornmaze

Interview & Opportunity to Win a Copy of Letters from the Emily Dickinson Room

Friday Check in

Thankful Thursday on Friday

Deep Thoughts - Okay, Not Really...