Photos from School...
When my family came to visit me on my last residency of my MFA program, my husband somehow managed to delete all the photos I had taken up to that point. But thankfully, a friend with a great camera just uploaded these and so I thought I'd share...

Natasha Trethewey, Our Guest Speaker--
She was fantastic, by the way. Very down to earth and talked about history being open as a subject matter for *everyone* to write about.

Albert Goldbarth teaching a class

My graduate reading

Graduation (I'm talking of course)

Self portrait with funny hat

Our morning walk -or- walking off into the sunrise

Natasha Trethewey, Our Guest Speaker--
She was fantastic, by the way. Very down to earth and talked about history being open as a subject matter for *everyone* to write about.

Albert Goldbarth teaching a class

My graduate reading

Graduation (I'm talking of course)

Self portrait with funny hat

Our morning walk -or- walking off into the sunrise
I like the print on your graduation dress.