Monday Meditations

Today is a writing day for me. It began officially 8 minutes ago. This kind of counts as writing, but not the two other projects I am working on-- one poem, one essay/longer creative non-fiction work. But it kind of counts.


An early confession--

I realize how much I love chocolate covered espresso beans. I only tried them for the first time a month ago. (I never tried them because I couldn't imagine chewing on an espresso bean and it tasting good.


Another early confession-- (I will nothing for tomorrow)--

I am starting to forgive Amazon. And I'm not sure how I feel about this.


I'm carrying a stone in my left hand all day today because it's part of my art class. Every time I remember it's there I have to say my life's mission statement (which has been edited down to "To live authentically and with faith." I keep leaving my rock places and have to go retrieve it.


I just found a wasp in my writing shed. They love wood. I'm hoping it doesn't like my shed as much as I do. I put it in a yellow smiley face mug and brought it into the garden. Sweet wasp.


I saw 8 herons on the mudflat the other day. That was a visual poem.


I want to blown away by a new poet. No anyone amazing?


Be well, write lots.



  1. Jericho Brown is my current new-poet-I love. "Please" is his first book. He's not new, but Ilya's new work in the May issue of Poetry is pretty amazing...
    If you've never read either of them, you might like Suzanne Lummis or Susan Musgrove (Canadian poet alert.)

  2. I also recommend Please. It's astounding.

  3. Great! Thanks, I have them all down.

    I appreciate it!


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